You would think that spotting a bed bug infestation would be easy, but it turns out that it's harder than expected. For example, a study by Rutgers University found that about 50% of all people with bed bug infestations don't even realize they have a problem! How is that possible? This is likely because bed bugs are expert hiders, often residing in cracks and crevices and only coming out at night to feed on their human hosts. In addition, their small size and ability to move quickly make them difficult to spot with the naked eye. However, there are professional services available to help get rid of bed bugs in Annapolis, using proven methods to eliminate these pesky pests from your home. So if you suspect that you may have a bed bug infestation, it's important to seek help from a professional as soon as possible.

Well, bed bugs are primarily night critters that hide very well during the day. Spotting one out in the open is very unlikely, which makes diagnosing this problem tricky. As a result, bed bug spread is highly likely.

Beyond that, bed bugs are also very small pests that are hard to see. Usually, they look no bigger than a large piece of dirt. Their bland brown or light red colors also make them blend easily with their surroundings. They also possess no real identifiable traits, beyond a flatness of the body. Identifying bed bug odor is also a difficult task, as their scent is often described as musty or sweet, similar to the smell of a wet towel left in a dark corner for too long. This odor is often a sign of a severe infestation and can be especially hard to locate in larger areas. Overall, the combination of their small size, blend-in color, lack of identifiable traits, and elusive odor makes bed bugs a particularly challenging pest to detect and eliminate.

Even worse, many of the symptoms of a bed bug infestation mirror other skin problems. For example, bite marks often turn into a rash that is easy to explain away as a temporary "stress-induced" rash. Beyond that, your skin may not even react for up to two weeks after being bitten! That delay explains a lot of the confusion surrounding these bugs.

So if you are waking up with rashes or bite marks every morning, there's a good chance you have a bed bug infestation and you don't even know it. If that makes your skin crawl, call a professional right away to get bed bugs out of your house for good.  contact My Pest Pros today for bed bug control at  703-665-4455. and schedule your treatment!