The key to getting rid of American Cockroaches is:

  • Identifying their breed
  • Eliminating what attracts them
  • Using appropriate methods of termination (sprays, bait traps, etc.)
  • Seeking professional help

A cockroach infestation is not something anyone wants to deal with, but it does happen from time to time. Learning how to deal with these pests can help you prevent an infestation from getting worse and save you time, worry, and money in the long run.

How to Identify American Cockroaches

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Cockroaches can spread diseases

American Cockroaches are one of the most common breeds to infiltrate human-inhabited dwellings. They can get up to 1.5 inches long on average, making them the largest cockroach commonly found in homes.

These cockroaches are typically a reddish or dark brown color with a light brown area behind their head. They have a flat, oval-shaped body that can easily crawl through slim cracks and tighter spaces.

The American Cockroach has Antennae that can equal up to half the length of their body, and their long, spiny legs make them tiny track stars.

Adult American Cockroaches are equipped with a set of wings, but this does not do much to allow them to fly. The wings can be used for gliding, but this is only possible in warmer temperatures (usually around 85°F).

The Dangers of American Cockroaches

American Cockroaches are not prone to biting, but they do carry unwanted viruses, bacteria, and parasites, into your home.

The feces of American Cockroaches are known to cause issues such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Dysentery
  • Salmonella

The shed skin of these cockroaches also poses a threat. Coming into contact with the skin and feces is known to trigger allergies or asthma attacks, especially in younger children.

What Attracts American Cockroaches (and How to Prevent Them)

American Cockroaches can survive in almost any environment, but they do have their preferences. If they had to choose between a cold, bright, dry space or a warm, dark, and damp one, it would be the latter almost every time.

Areas that are especially prone to infestation include:

  • Bathrooms
  • Kitchens
  • Basements
  • Storage areas
  • Sewer lines
  • Garbage disposals

They don’t move around much during the day and prefer to scavenge for food overnight. Anything will work, but cockroaches have a soft spot for:

  • Meats
  • Greasy food
  • Sweet food
  • Starches

They will also go after the adhesive on envelopes, paper, cardboard, leather, and any other organic matter.

The best way to prevent an infestation (apart from chemical prevention methods) is to make your home unattractive for them.

Make sure you are sealing up any leftover food and keeping it in the fridge. Clean up spills immediately, and do not leave anything sitting out overnight (including unwashed dishes or pet food).

Take out the trash daily, preferably before nighttime, and take the time to wipe everything down throughout the day. Vacuuming often will get rid of crumbs that you might not see, and decluttering will limit their hiding spaces.

Seal up any small entry points to your home, and repair any breaks or sweaty pipes as soon as you can. Use moisture-reducing products in areas of concern, and do not hesitate to step in and handle them when you see signs of an infestation.

How to Get Rid of American Cockroaches

You have a few options for handling a cockroach infestation:

  • Sprays allow you to effectively kill a roach on sight, and many will sanitize the area at the same time.
  • Bait traps can be placed every 6 feet, and they provide a mix of food, water, and insecticide that roaches will take back to the nest.
  • Barriers will prevent cockroaches and other insects from entering the area.

You can purchase any of these products over the counter, but dealing with the infestation can quickly become a money pit, drawing at resources like time and money if it is not handled perfectly.

Handing the task over to My Pest Pros is often the quickest and easiest way to get rid of American Cockroaches in your home. Call us today at 703-665-4455 for a fast response to get you feeling safe in your home once again. If you prefer to get rid of cockroaches naturally, we can provide you with guidance on eco-friendly methods and products to keep these pests at bay. Our experienced team can advise you on preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of future infestations. Contact My Pest Pros today for all your cockroach control needs.