Category: Pest Control Tips

Are Millipedes Invading Your Home?

It’s not unusual to find brown millipedes crawling up your basement or garage walls or floors in Fairfax and Northern Virginia this time of year. Heavy rains such as those we have experienced recently combined with falling temperatures and leaves create the perfect conditions for millipede migrations. Newer residential developments, such as those in Loudoun […]

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The Stinkbugs Are Coming

A recent report from the Agriculture Department sheds new light on how the Mid Atlantic Region got its most unwelcome new residents over a decade ago—the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. Introduced to American soil from China, this shield shaped, brown pest has been growing in numbers ever since. Spreading to 41 states and slowly moving […]

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Bug Identification

It can be hard to know exactly what small critters might be running around in your home. Unless you’ve seen them directly, some bugs are masters of hiding out and avoiding contact with humans, and others are small enough that they go largely undetected. The good news is that many of these pests will eave […]

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Garden Pests

It’s the best time of year to be getting the most out of your garden. Sunshine and warm weather mean beautiful flowers, and fresh fruit and vegetables to bring straight to your table. Unfortunately, it’s never that simple, and there are several pests around that will try to destroy your hard work before you have […]

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Pests and Food Business: Bad Combo!

Oftentimes, people still have to wait for a problem to occur to provide pest control measures. This could be a bad scenario, especially if you are having a food business. Pest activity will affect your business in a whole lot of ways – it will affect you hard. One obvious reason how they can be […]

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Effective Bee Removal Tips

Dealing with bees can pose quite a challenge. However, the task becomes relatively easy when you know what to do. First is you have to understand what you are dealing with, you have to make sure that it is indeed bees and not wasps or hornets. Let's focus on bee removal. Bees are known to […]

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